

About Us


At Rapid Finance, we’re invested in the success of our clients, team members, and company. We’ve created a company culture that thrives on open communication, where everyone’s voice is heard across all levels of the company, from team members to executives. We’re a high-energy team working together to help small businesses grow and positively impact the communities they serve.

Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST

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Mailing Address
Rapid Finance
4500 East West Highway
6th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814

Rapid Finance BBB Business Review

*Small Business Financial Solutions, LLC offers term loans and lines of credit (pursuant to its California Lenders License No. 603-I855) and factoring in California. Small Business Financial Solutions, LLC and Rapid Financial Services, LLC offer term loans, lines of credit and factoring outside of California. Commercial Servicing Company, LLC arranges term loans and lines of credit in California (pursuant to its California Finance Lenders License No. 603-J299) and arranges term loans, SBA loans, lines of credit, factoring, asset-based loans, commercial real estate loans and business credit cards outside of California.

DISCLAIMER: Please note: BCCG, LLC is doing business as Rapid Finance Georgia ISO, an independent sales organization that is a duly authorized partner with rapid finance.com. All business financing products and services marketed by Rapid Finance GA.com are solely offered, provided, underwritten, and fulfilled by www.rapidfinance.com. All information submitted by rapid finance GA.com and/or rapid finance GA ISO will be exclusively presented to the underwriting department/approval desk of rapidfinance.com. Additionally, all financing proposals, quotes, loan commitments, funding criteria, underwriting guidelines, interest rates, terms, conditions, prerequisites, and all credit-granting stipulations are provided by and the sole responsibility and role of Rapid Finance, LLC. Rapid finance GA ISO is not a party to credit-granting decision-making or business financing criteria whatsoever. BCCG, LLC/DBA rapid finance GA ISO is compensated solely for the successful submission of approved small business financing applications that become successfully funded and closed transactions. No upfront fees are paid to Rapid Finance GA ISO or rapidfinance.com. 

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